For the past couple of months, things have been so fluid and we wanted to make sure our final decision is based on the best and safest guidelines.

Unfortunately, we will not be running our camp program this summer due to Coronavirus and the extended impact it has.  In continuing the open and transparent way I have always conducted this program, I want to let you know how this difficult decision came to be:

  1. Many of the venues we would be visiting have already cancelled for the summer of 2020

  1. The amusement parks still do not know when/if they will open.  Some have said maybe mid-late July.  Others still do not know.  However, when they do open, the guidelines will be pretty strict, and at least for this year, they have said it may be difficult for large groups.

  1. The CDC has put our type of program in a “High Risk” category for spreading and contracting the virus.  Mainly due to the fact that we would be in highly populated areas.

  1. The MD State Health Dept. (the people that issue our camp license) has set protocol of how camps must operate.  The factors that apply to us is:

    1. No more than 10 people per group

    2. If a camp has more than 10 people, they MUST NOT interact between groups or share a closed space.  So, it would not be feasible to operate with 10 kids per bus. 

These are some of the main factors that pointed in the direction of cancelling.  However, my ultimate decision for cancelling comes down to the care and responsibility of the campers and their families.  True, things are slowly starting to open up.  But in so many cases where things are opening up, the number of cases are starting to increase again. 

Even if we were able to figure out transportation and separate our campers into small groups for the whole week, my concern is the unknown.  We can try to enforce and make sure our campers do everything they need to do to be safe.  What we cannot control is the rest of the public.  I would hate to think that as a result of this program, a camper gets infected in a public area and brings it home to their families.

AGES for 2021: In talking with a few of you, there were concerns that this would have been the last year your camper would have been able to come to camp due to age.  Please understand that those ages are guidelines and we have never said “No” to a camper if they truly want to be a part of our program.  So, you are welcome next summer!

SCHOOL YEAR PROGRAMS: We are currently looking at offering trips during certain weekends and holidays throughout the school year.  It is possible that we can still have those thrilling trips to the amusement parks in the fall if things open up and are safe.  We are also looking into bringing back ski trips that we used to do a long time ago.  So, be on the lookout for these!

REFUNDS:  Even though we have been charged non-refundable fees and other lost deposits, I understand that everyone is hurting and this situation was out of our hands.  So, everyone will be getting a full refund, I just ask for your patience. 

As sad, disappointing, and unfortunate this news is, I feel it is the responsible thing to do and Teens To Go will be back stronger for our 33rd Camp Summer next year! Until then, we will miss you and hope to see you all soon!

Thanks and stay safe-

Manish Shah